29 March 2024

Zoom on the FNASS and its different responsibilities…


As a major actor in the trade union sector, the FNASS ( National Federation of Sports Associations and Trade Unions ) plays a key role. Its political representative role is also confirmed by various affiliations at national level, such as the CNOSF (French National Olympic and Sports Committee), the Ministry of Sport, the AFLD (French Anti-Doping Agency) and the ANJ (National Games Authority).

As a true representative of and contributor to the sporting world, the FNASS brings together various unions, including the SNB, one of its main members.


What about its other missions?


The FNASS does not limit itself to a role of political representation. It also keeps a close eye on sports news, providing its members with the latest news and developments in the field.

Involved in discussions and negotiations, this translates into participation in national committees such as the SHN (Sport de Haut Niveau) committee, as well as the pooling of efforts, for example through working groups dedicated to training.

Shared issues are another major area of work for the FNASS. Exchanges between unions on these issues are a driving force in the quest for appropriate solutions.

The FNASS is also actively involved in joint projects with other unions, such as the feminization of sport, the negotiation and signing of specific agreements, and the study of and proposals on legislation affecting the sports sector.

Playing a decisive role in representation on the CSE, the FNASS also keeps a close eye on the progress of these instances, working closely with the trade unions.


Next meeting: the FNASS Executive Committee, coming up very soon!


Julie Campassens
06 60 86 12 23

Arthur Daroux
06 59 17 98 26